Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Yesterday started off early at 5:30 am! I woke up feeling refreshed, well rested and ready to start my week off RIGHT! I made sure I prayed and had a moment of peace and quiet which was a big thing for me! I went to the Joyce Meyer convention this past weekend and had a great time while getting some very valuable information that I was rearing to implement in my day to day life. I got my little girl up without having to repeatedly remind her she was supposed to be woke ten minutes ago. I got dressed and the plan was to come back to the house after I took her to the bus stop and use that thirty minutes before I had to wake up my son to leave working on the prayer retreat lessons and activities. I had it all worked out and was so proud of myself! YAY! I walked outside in the pitch dark to take Wootie to her bus stop and my tire was completely flat. (blank stare) I grabbed her hand and we hiked up the hill to wait for her bus, and I decided that maybe I could make it to a air pump after I get her on the bus. This was going to take me the entire time I had set aside to study and start to put things together for the prayer retreat. Wootie got on her bus and I went back to my car and realized there was no way I was making it to the gas station. Unfortunately, my mom had to wake up my Daddy to try to help me get the tire fixed. Now I am beginning to wonder should I call in or not but I didn’t. Daddy went to get some fix a flat which unfortunately couldn’t fix that flat. Then the neighbor was kind enough to let us use his compressor. In the mist of all of the commotion I called “my hero, my love” to tell him the car was on flat. I got quickly frustrated with him because he didn’t seem to have any real solutions but mostly questions. We waited for the compressor to fill the tire for thirty minutes before we decided it wasn’t going to and it was best for me to just catch a ride to work, and Ma took our son to school. I am becoming more and more agitated by the moment that “my hero” hadn’t so much as called to see if I was ok. How selfish of him to not even check on me. I have been working on keeping my mouth shut, yes I know, but I’m working on it so I didn’t say a word to him. Ok so here I am on a Monday with a flat tire, didn’t get to study or get anything done for the prayer retreat, no money to get a tire or even fix it, AND to top it off the man I love is not offering one bit of empathy for me! To top it off in the mist of all the mess I didn’t fix breakfast or bring a lunch and all I had was a little over a dollar in change! Sigh…I typed fiercely in text complaining to one of my sisters ,who is familiar with me and my relationship and always seems to help me to be level headed, about how hurtful it is that he won’t even check on me, and how this day started off horribly and I didn’t get a chance to study or anything! The devil is picking on me today!(GLOOM DESPAIR AND AGONY ON ME!!!!) I get to my desk hungry and just glad to have made it within the time I needed to not be late. It then dawned on me that I had danish in my desk and a bottle of orange juice that I had saved from last week. I had breakfast! I didn’t have a car so I asked a co worker if she would mind getting me something off the dollar menu with the change I had and she told me to tell her what I wanted and she would buy it and to keep my dollar. I had lunch!!! I decided to take my books and notes with me and used my hour lunch break to spin ideas and lessons for the retreat. I was still really upset that he didn’t call and check on me, but I needed a ride home so I asked him to please get me from work. I regrouped my attitude, put on some lip gloss and re-pinned my hair before he got there because I can’t be looking a hot mess when he sees me even if I felt like one. I put on a happy face, and I just resolved in my head that there was no point in staying mad at him at least he was coming to get me. I get in the car and he turns to me and gives me a list of things that are going to take place to take care of the tire and he had already taken care of the cost and everything. I just looked and felt so relieved that I hadn’t said A WORD to him about how I was feeling, and very happy that he took charge and didn’t have to fret about it anymore! MY HERO!!!!!(batting my eyes) WHOOOOO!!! I told this long story to say a few things first of all things don’t always go as planned but God uses those opportunities to show us how He works things out even when our own plan fails. Things would have been a lot worse if neither of my parents were willing to help me because I nor my son would have gone anywhere. If I wouldn’t have made a mad dash last week for those Danish and orange juice then I wouldn’t have had breakfast already. God knew Monday would be MANIC!!! So He made sure that was taken care of. Then God showed me kindness from someone else by using my co worker to be a blessing to me when I was ok with just getting a ninety nine cents chicken sandwich, God saw to me getting an entire meal. God showed where I still had time to do work for Him during my lunch break for an hour instead of thirty minutes. He sent me the greatest ideas and thoughts in the mist of that time! Then He AGAIN showed me that everything I feel emotionally isn’t necessarily true. He showed me that just because the man I love doesn’t communicate the same way I do, or isn’t nearly as verbal as I would like doesn’t mean he is not thinking of me and God redeemed him in my eyes as “MY HERO” yet again! Oh…and that keeping my mouth shut is not such a bad idea sometimes to avoid misunderstandings, at least until I see the situation through in its entirety! WOW!!! LOOK AT GOD!!! It turned out to be a HAPPY MONDAY after all!  

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