Sunday, October 13, 2013

So You Call Yourself A Christian

So You Call Yourself A Christian

 When I was a teenager one thing that would drive me more nuts than anything is when another girl would call me and ask me do I CALL MYSELF dating such and such? That was one of the most insulting things and it was usually followed with me losing it right then and there. It definitely pushed my buttons. Who knew that that same phrase used in such a different way would be equally annoying? That phrase changed to An She CALL HERSELF a Christian! OR and she SUPPOSEDLY is a Christian! OR she a FAKE Christian! That used to just burn me up when someone would say that to or about me. How dare they question my Christianity! Don’t they know I’m saved and filled with the Holy Spirit?!!!! It sounds funny but I truly felt like flipping out totally when I would hear that. Then I realized that what someone else questions about who I am doesn’t matter in the least as long as I and God know who and what I am. If we all remember correctly all through Jesus’ mission there were people telling Him that He wasn’t who He claimed to be and ultimately crucified Him. Do you act like your calling? Do you act like your claim? I don’t ever expect to be a pillar of perfection ever because I know that is an impossible task. I do, however, strive for perfection daily. I don’t wake up with evil intent, and I trust God in all areas of my life. Those things are what make me who I am in the Lord. So when someone calls that into question, although I know I am far from perfect I don’t get near as mad as I used to.  When they say so you CALL YOURSELF a Christian I evaluate who I know God has called me to be and I reply YES…I DO! J

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