Sunday, April 19, 2015

I know its been a while since I wrote and so much has happened over the months I can't even begin to know what to write about first...I can definitely say that I have had some significant changes in how I see things...and I have been forced to step out of my comfort zone in so many areas in my pushes pushes family pushes me...and my love life pussssssshes me. It's like God is sharpening me in all these areas at once and with each thing I learn in each area I am using what I learn in those other areas. Lets take my current position I have to have continued patience with all things that come about. That helps me in my leadership roles at church and dealing with people in a patient way. That spills over to my family...and love life. At some point I prayed for patience, which I won't ever do again, and God allowed me to go through situations that called for patience beyond what I ever thought I had. Now it's like I'm testing on what I have learned. Lord I hope I'm passing. I will do better with writing because if just one person can read and somehow learn something from my crazy life it's worth the time. Bye for now.

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