Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Work Ethic

Some months back I had surgery and a couple of my besties were over keeping me company while my husband napped before his then night shift began. We had been talking for a while just about frivolous things. Then my husband woke up, he asked about lunch, then his coffee...had I saw this or that? This went on for about 30 minutes until it was time to leave and he stopped gave me a kiss goodbye, told me he loves me, would call me and left. One of my friends instantly said "Awwww that's so sweet how he gave you a kiss bye and said he loves you! I want a husband!" I looked with a blank stare and asked her DID YOU MISS THE 30 MINUTES OF CHAOS PRIOR TO THAT!" She had not really noticed that until I re-ran it to her and we all laughed about it! I told that story to give an example of what people see marriage like versus what it really feels like. I often have people that see our pages and public interactions that we share and comment how cute a couple we are and some say how they wish they were married. I absolutely a ree that we are an adorable couple hands down but I am always transparent about the work we are constantly doing on ourselves and our relationship. In society we are taught that love is all we need. I compel you to change your imagery of marriage before jumping that matrimony broom because although love is a must have, it alone is not enough to keep two people joined or not near as many marriages would end. Andre and I do have the advantage of history with one another so he knew I was crazy way beforehand. Not to mention being people who both have been married before we went in eyes wide open. I also sat down and told him every single fault I have. Then I admitted that he will definitely need to have a relationship with God because the only way those things would change would be through prayer because I was okay with my faults. He must have started right away. But he was willing to work through or accept those things. On the flip side I was willing to accept his as well. A made up mind to stay and work and fight through the not so cute times goes further than love. I know at times I am not so easy to love those are the times beyond love kicks in. My husband is my best friend but he also can drive me crazy like no one else can. But God+Love= a made up mind of dedication for me. So the next time you are looking at that cute couple on Facebook or wherever just know that although the cute love is real so is the work to keep it together. What is your work ethic when it comes to commitment?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you please spread the word and I will begin a video blog next year that I hope you follow as well.



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