Saturday, December 17, 2016

Birthday Wisdom

41 of the things I have learned in my 41 yrs....not in order of importance 1. Adulting is not near as fun as it seemed before I was an adult 2. Sometimes love isnt enough 3. My parents really DO know what they are talking about 4. Someone leaving you after you have sex is not the worse thing that could happen....they could actually stay! 5. Love at first sight is lust 6. You can be lonely with someone laying right next to you 7. Age does not equal maturity 8. Kids are the best torture you can ever have 9. Men REALLY dont know 10. Dont ever say what you would NEVER do 11. Friends are not a dime a dozen 12. God is REAL 13. My granny's old remedies work 14. I should have spent more time tapping into all of the wisdom my Grandma's had before they left this world 15. Dont forget your past but dont live in it 16. Learn to do nice things for yourself or you will become resentful 17. Everything doesn't require a response 18. Pause. Think. Breathe. Then speak when in a disagreement with someone. 19. Two reasonable people can agree to disagree 20. 18 isnt Truly grown....neither is 21...and 11 yrs later 30 is questionable 21. You really do get back double what you give. 22. You learn more of what you want in a mate when you have all of what you don't want in one 23. People tend to expect way more from you than they are willing to give themselves 24. Church people and Christians are two different people 25. There is always someone watching 26. Blessings come from the least expected places 27. Communication can make or break any kind of relationship 28. Let HIM do it 29. The one you want the most is usually not the one that wants you the most 30. Just because you dont agree with someone doesnt make them a bad person 31. Metabolism slows down... 32. All men are not the same. 33. Lies sound better than the truth most times but the truth is better for you 34. My mom is more gangster than anyone I know 35. Family doesnt have to be blood 36. It's ok if someone doesn't like me. 37. Snuggling is over rated 38. Kids don't remember as much about material things as they do you being there 39. No man will ever be good enough for my daddy 40. Do my best so I won't feel bad about the outcome 41. Having people who love, support and believe in you can make a big difference in your day to day life. Marsha Norwood Broderick Knight Esugina Baker


MEMOIRS OF AN IMPERFECT CHRISTIAN: Altitude Check : So how has everyone been doing with their altitude? Yesterday I did a brief post on how ...