Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bad Day

As I said before tons of stuff to write just trying to break it down in increments. It was Friday and I was still working in a different area. I had got paid the day before and was fretting over bills and money which isn't uncommon for me as a single momma. I woke up extra mad because when I woke up at 6 am the first thing I did was look up my bank account on my phone. Now let me say I didn't expect to see much in it BUT it was far less than I anticipated.  Come to find out one of those pay day loan people who I used previously AND paid off after 6 months of not drafting had drafted my account. So needless to say I woke up mad. I griped a bit and sent some request for prayer to my friends because me being that mad before 7 am was NOT good. In the mist of me driving to work and me griping to God one of my favorite songs came on and its titled HAPPY. Anyone that can listen to that song and not feel the least bit better has to be miserable. So I started to feel better and decided I'd go to the bank during my lunch and call the pay day loan people and give them the blues until they reverse what they did. I get to work feeling a little better, but I'm rushing because I'm running late. I get to the last step before the door and fall and hurt my leg...I manage to pull myself up and limp in just a minute before I'd have a tardy. I sat down and griped some more to God about hows it's not 8 am good and now I'm injured as well as broke! I started to work and got a email about someone that I used to know getting a promotion.  Now typically I'm very good about being happy for others even those I don't necessarily like but THIS day I had to fake it until I made it because I still hadn't heard anything after over a week about my interview and I was pretty sure I didn't get it. So again I started whining to God, REALLY LORD?! I DON'T DESERVE A PROMOTION! I started to list all the reasons why this was an injustice. I ended  my griping with BUT OK LORD GUESS ITS STIIIIIIIILL NOT MY TURN. I also started to gripe because it seemed like the place I teach classes at was trying to stiff me out of my money.  I hadn't heard from them and it was days pass the usual pay out date. That added to my anger. I griped about that too and decided I was going to tell them how wrong they are as well....later.  I couldn't wait to go to lunch so I could give that bank and pay loan people the blues! I called the pay day loan people and in short they said their system was down for 6 months and that the info they sent about payment being final was incorrect and they would continue to draft me. I lost it and started cussing and yelling in the phone (yes remember IMPERFECT) and then I hung up as I stomped with a limp  like Ms Sophia from The Color Purple for my battle with the bank. There was a line so I pulled up my bank account while I waited so I could be ready to engage in a verbal war with them. When it came up I saw that the bank had already reversed the charges off. I felt an instant calm and said Thank you Lord. I talked to the bank and they explained the reversal and blocked that company from being able to go and come as they pleased on my account. Thank you again Lord. I was much happier especially since now that it was fixed I could get me something for lunch. While I was grabbing me some lunch I got a text that I could get my check for the class I teach. Whoa good thing i didn't say what I planned to say earlier....that would have been horrible. Again God was showing me how HE is in charge.  Thank YOU LORD...and so sorry about all the griping earlier...  (Smiley) I was breathing easier about my finances that went from a - to a + literally within hours!!! The end of the day came and I shook my head at the thought of waiting thru the weekend to find out I didn't get the promotion but I didn't whine this time because so much had turned around for me I had to be thankful for it. I left work and went to get my check and while I waited I got a call from my job which was odd at almost 6 on a Friday.  Needless to say when I answered it was the call offering me the job. I absolutely had to laugh at myself because I spent the first half of my day just so mad and frustrated. Then God took each gripe and irritation and said LOOK! I GOT YOU! HE turned it all around in ways only He could In spite of myself!  I told every one He probably shook His head at my whining and limping around all day. I admit I flunked the portion on this test of not whining...but never did I think God had left me or wasn't in control. This is a prime example of how God has a plan for us and its better than the plan we have for ourselves but we have to trust that He is in control when we and our situation seems out of control. An He surely has a sense of humor!  Amen. (Dropping mic and limping away)

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